August 31, 2011

Im Monk, Soap and Doctors

Well it must be a slow month. After looking at my posting list by month, I have found that this month (August) I did not have much to say. Four Postings in a 31 day month is certainly not much excitement on my end. I am even writing this so it can be an even 5 rather than a 4 number.
I know what you are thinking- 5... that is not an even number. BUT, I like 5. I am a Monk type of person (as I posted on my FB this morning that I had to put my crayons in order of ROYGBIV before putting them back in the case) and I consider 5 a nice number to use because of being half to a great number of 10. Ten is a nice even number. I often wonder how Monk felt about stopping at 8 seasons. You would think that Mr. Monk would want to get to an even 10!

I have been thinking about something pretty regularly lately. It may seem very weird or awkward, but I have been thinking about Soap. I like to use the fresh scent of Irish Spring. It is not girly at all and I like the feel and smell. Well, I don't know about many other soap use, but I found fairly recently (in terms of how old I am- 2 years ago, I think) that there is a right way and wrong way to use Irish Spring soap in the shower. Now, hear me out.  If you look at a brand new bar of soap, you will see the label on the top with the bottom being curved. Now, I used to use the soap from the bottom-up. This seemed like the right way to use the soap because of the nice curve that worked well. I just recently learned though that the soap breaks quite a bit earlier (into two pieces that are harder to use) when the soap gets dissolved mostly. Using the top side of the soap and working it down is much better in keeping the soap in one piece when it gets down to the end. I know you are so interested in how to use soap. If you have always done one way, try the other and see if you agree.
Again, this is just for Irish Spring, I know not of other soap uses.

I was recently told to get my head checked... I know after that last little bit, you are not surprised, but it wasn't for crazy issues, it was for my birth mark on the side of my head. When I shave my head really close, people notice the marks on my head. I have had them forever but my dentist said I should get it checked so I looked into it. I called my old clinic I have gone to for minor urgent care issues- deep cuts ect. and they could not get me in to see a doc until Sept. 29th, a month away. I called the new BMC clinic in Redmond and they were able to get me in today. What a difference. I decided to go with the clinic that actually has time for me. I went in this afternoon and found that there was nothing wrong with my head but she, my doc, took liquid nitrogen to my head. Yeah, you read right. She burned off some excess that was kinda hanging down, crazy right. I was amazed at that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmm, the soap bit is interesting.....and maybe a tad bit TMI.....
Yikes about your poor head though, I know I hated getting my warts burned off, they always turned black and grew humungus before drying up and falling off!
Kind of a nosy dentist.....hey man, keep your eyes on the teeth!! =)