September 2, 2011

Friend Like That

Labor Day Weekend. That definitely means SCHOOL!
I am reminded of the feelings I had when I first graduated high school and saw friends leave. I have been listening to a recent graduate and his bummer-ness for seeing all of his friends leaving for school. It is certainly a hard time in life when high school is over and everyone goes their separate ways.

I remember hearing those around me (When I graduated in 02) saying that I won't see many of those high school peers again. I was kinda doubtful about that because Redmond community is semi-small, but I found out they were right. Sure, I have seen some peers around, people working around town and what not, but I certainly don't keep up with any of my peers except for Facebook and my Best friend since 1st grade, Ryan.

I am reminded of my grade school days, hanging out with my friend hours upon end. We would rotate a number of fun activities- go to the school playground, pay with legos, play with cars, pool if it was warm enough, and of course act out like we were buying real cars and get in our parked cars at home and drive for miles and miles. Can't forget about riding bikes around town. Those were the days. What good times we had.
I also remember how we would always act like we were upset and not friends anymore, and then two minutes later we were best of friends again. I could never stay upset with my Best Friend, nor he me.

Our relationship has changed and matured now that we have changed and matured, but we still try to make time to meet up once in a while and catch up with lives.

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