September 22, 2011

I Don't Know How They Can Say no dessert

I went to a movie this afternoon. It was the new "I Don't Know How She Does It" movie with miss Sex in the City. I liked it alright, but I don't think it was worth the price of going to theaters.
The movie is about a working mom who has to juggle things with the family and things with work and can't put her whole life into both. I like the narrative type of movie that sorta acts like a diary- Veronica Mars got me hooked on that entertainment type. It was very much a girly movie though, more so than I am even accustomed to. I like girly movies, but this one was along the lines of Traveling Pants, Steel Magnolias, and Thelma and Louise (as I understand them, I have not watched these ones because of the uber-girliness.)
*Spoiler Alert*
Throughout the movie you are subjected to the life of a hard-working mother of whom everyone things, "How does she do it" because she just works and works and works.
Along the way, she is introduced to a handsome, successful man with whom she works very closely with on a financial project. You assume that this is a love interest that will develop... and it does.... for him.
That is what I really appreciated about this movie- although he fell in love with her, a married woman with two children,... she did not fall back in love with him and told him flat out that she loved her husband. She worked very hard to keep the relationship professional and when she found out she could not keep doing all the things she was doing, she drew a line in the sand and told her boss (the always awesome Kelsey Grammar) that she could not do it all and would not put her family in the backseat and if that meant he had to fire her, then she would accept that, but she would not quit. It is so refreshing to see a movie that puts the value of family ahead of getting ahead in the world and does not have a lead character that has an affair or divorce.

After the movie, I decided to go to Hola. Central Oregon has a Peruvian Cuisine restaurant at the Old Mill. I had three $10 certificates for Hola from when I got my windshield fixed at Cascade Auto Glass. I have already used one and planned to get a dessert after the movie and use another. Well, I got a soda and the Churro dessert which had ice cream and drizzled with Chocolate syrup. It came out to exactly $10 (perfect right?) Well, when I went to pay, they server told me that it only worked for "Dinner."  I was annoyed because the certificate explicitly says "ANY of Hola's Delicious menu items" Dessert is a part of their menu. I really wish I was more rude and obnoxious sometime because I think I could have asked for the manager and showed him the exact phrases on the certificate and gotten him to take it. As it was, I just paid for the stupid dessert and plan to see the last two coupons. I did not get dinner because the first dinner there was not amazing. Now, I am just going to try to sell em to get some of my money for em. Hopefully I can get that dessert price back with them. Anyone wanna buy two $10 certificates for $15?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That movie did look funny, but I'm saving my pennies for A Dolphins Tale (yes, I really am!) and I'm not sure why.....I'm normaly not a feel good animal movie type person!
Sorry about Hola being stinky with the coupons, I hate using them and I never seem to hit the right combo of dates, times and items to use them anyway! =P