September 13, 2011

The Laundry-ness of Monk

Don't you love when a TV show impacts society. Sometime it is for good, sometime for bad, sometime for neutral- not necessarily good, not necessarily bad. Monk is one of those for me, (and others I have heard say the same). How Monk are you? Meaning how Obsessive-Compulsive are you? I love to watch Monk and see his characteristics, and sadly how much I relate to him. (I also love the other Characters of Tony Shaloub- Antonio Scarpatchi from Wings, Cars movie, ect.

I was thinking today as I was folding my laundry about how Monk I am with my socks.  How many people actually think about which sock goes with which partner if they are the same type of sock, bought at the same time, ect. I do. I think about how convenient it would be to buy new sock pairs and then label them with numbers... or letters..... or symbols... or whatever.... just so I knew that this one pair is always together, and then that pair is always together. I could also do effective searching when the Number 4 pair only has one mate, I could go searching for number 4's other half.  Sad, I know.

Then, I think of how close that is to the geeky equivalent of putting a name on the underwear.

What I do instead of numbering/lettering/symboling/naming my socks is I judge as best as I can by the stains of the socks. Now, I know that might gross many of you out, but my socks do have battle scars. I do wash my socks (and everything for that matter) but maybe I don't do it right because there are inevitable small stains on certain pairs. I can use these indicators to pair the socks as much as possible. So, there ya go,... That is how Monk I am. Yes, I am THAT much Monk!

Now, I realize that this post might be totally useless to you. Some of you might have looked at the post and right off the bat saw the socks and decided that it was not a relevant post to you (which is probably true of most of you). And some might have read a tiny bit more before getting bored. I can neither confirm or deny that some of you have even read all the way to here, and may or may not relate. Some might not even think of these things, but for the small percentage of you that actually do think of such non-sense,...

You Are Not Alone! (I feel like an Air1 commercial, saying that)

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