September 8, 2011

Take me back to the Mid-Ninties

When you think of Kids movies in the mid-ninties, what do you think of? What movie? What company? I am sure, if you are smart, you MUST think like me. I think ONLY of Disney. That company WAS THE company for animated children's movies. The two movies I think of are Aladdin and The Lion King. I think it is mostly because I watched these movies OVER and OVER and OVER again. I am sure my parents got tired of me watching the same movies all the time. I got to the point of being able to quote the whole movie.

Now, bring it on back to the future. Last night as I was skimming my Facebook update stati, I came across a news feed (KTVZ- the best local station) about the local Library having free music downloads. I was very interested to say the least. I read the story and immediately proceeded to the website to see for myself. Sure enough, Three (3) free downloads per week. All I have to have is a Library card (Which I have had since I was probably about 8 years old) and I am good to go. I went searching through their 2.5 million songs and came across something I had never heard anything about. It was Stellar Kart- a great band I have enjoyed for about 8 years- and it was a new EP. This is where it ties in to the start of the posting- The name of the EP was A Whole New World. You guessed it, this EP was Disney Songs. I knew right away these were going to be my three downloads for this week and boy was I happy to find them.

A Whole New World
Can You Feel The Love Tonight
Kiss The Girl

(There is also Be Our Guest on the EP, but I did not download it- Three per week, ya know)

So, needless to say, I was very happy to have three free downloads and a new find in Stellar Kart.

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