September 10, 2011

Wasco Lake, You Dirty Dawg

As promised, I did indeed go on a hike today and DID (Swim) Suit Up. It was a great morning for a hike. I went to Wasco Lake. This is a great, easy hike that is about 2-2.5mi. each way. The end of the road to the Jack Lake Campground (where the trail starts) has 6 miles of terrible gravel though. A car is forced to go 20MPH or less. What  a pain. Pixar and I got up there nice and early, but just barely early enough. I had to the use the bathroom (TMI?) and as I was headed to the Porta I noticed there was a group of around 10 there that were on Llamas and they were getting ready to depart to the trail. I was worried that we would get stuck behind them so I hurried up and got outta there. I got everything ready and Pixar and I started heading out, but the problem was we were still too late, they were already on the trail. Luckily, they were super nice and let us ahead of them.

The path was somewhat narrow, but certainly wide enough for one person to hike down. The thing I did not like so much was the Dirt on the path, it was super dusty. It's just something you deal with though. Pixar and I did not encounter very many people on our trip so that was really nice. He was able to be off the leash most of the way. The bummer part of this hike is that there are so many dead trees that makes one sad.

Once we got to the lake, we cut across to an area that seemed good, but I think if I were to go again, I would follow the trail all the way to the end, it probably has a better beach-area for the lake. We got in and it was so clear and lovely but the problem was silt at the bottom. It was very mucky at the floor of the lake which made it hard to get in and out. We still had fun. I swam for some time, and I tried to dry off as much as possible. Got a bit of lunch, but did not stay amazingly long because Pix was getting anxious to run some more, so we got on our way back.

I would recommend this hike to those wanting a fairly easy hike to a lake (that I was the only one there for most of the time I was there) and don't mind dead trees, they're all around.

Just keep in mind that this hike is a dirty/dusty one and you will get a coating of dirt/dust on your person and also on your car.

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