September 18, 2011

Milling about purchasing a Food.....Mill

I have learned all I know (Which really isn't that much) about Canning from my father- Not to say that my Father does not know much about canning, because he does... but I don't know all that much.
I love to go on Apple Picking Trips in the fall and then using my apples for making yummy Apple Sauce.

So, after this last year, I had to borrow my father's canning stuff including a Food Mill. I know you may be thinking about what a Food Mill might be. I know this because I looked all around Redmond for a Food Mill and when I would go to a store such as Bi-Mart (Which coincidentally does have a good selection of canning items) or Big R or Fred Meyer, I would ask if they had Food Mills and inevitably the store worker would give me a funny look and ask inquisitively... "What is a Food Mill"

Well, for those of you wondering, a Food mill is a saucepan type of kitchen utensil that has holes in the bottom, like a strainer or colander, and also has a grinding wheel that pushes the food down the colander. It is a nice thing to use when you make Apple Sauce. After my use of the food mill last year in October with all the Apples I used, I really missed it when I had to give it back to my father.

So, this year, I thought I would look around. I went all over my little city and did not find a-one. I looked online and Amazon has it, of course, but a bit more money than I wanted to pay= $30 or more. Plus Shipping.

Today, I decided to go to our Kitchen Collection outlet store to see if by off-chance they had a food mill at a good price. They amazingly did have a Food Mill, and it was a good price, with being on sale. It looks great and I decided to purchase it, so now I have my very own food mill. I am so excited for Fall Apple Sauce.

Lucky Me!

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