October 18, 2011

Jesus Freaks that Would Rather

I was super excited after Awana last night. First off, it was the first day of my after-school teaching program that I am doing... one hour a day, Sports and Music K-2. Well, I did not have any kids yesterday for my first day because they had small numbers to start and then will later open it up to others, (and because one of the offerings was Karate- I would choose Karate over sports). So, I used my first day to help organize the music supplies that my sister and I will be using.

Then, I rushed to Bend (this was in Terrebonne) to get to Awana, just barely not on time. We had some fun games, handbook time, and council. It was a great night because it was the first of Bring a Friend. One of my students at Awana brought a friend and she was explaining what was happening each time to her friend as we were doing things. I was really appreciative right before council time when she told her friend "This is my favorite part, Would You Rather and Jesus Freaks" What she was referring to was my weekly intro and outro. I always start off the council with a book of Would You Rather questions that I have. They are a great way to get to know the kids more and super fun. Would you rather be bald or not have toes.... ect.
And then the outro is Jesus Freaks, a book compiled by DC Talk about Martyrs. The first week I brought this out, I was a little nervous because these are 5th and 6th graders, and the book is stories about people dying for their faith, but it turns out that the students love them and look forward to them. One young lady even was able to purchase her own book and she brought it last night and followed along while I was reading. I am so happy that things are going well with these special times in the Awana Council time.

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