October 17, 2011

Stars and Mexico

Two topics of discussion today.
First off, I noticed after my HUB College Group last night, that it was imperative that I go in my hot tub after group. You may wonder why it was imperative. Well, it was because I looked up into the sky and saw the amazing beauty of God's Creation, the stars. They were beckoning me to stare at them for hours, so I knew that the Hot Tub was a great choice. As I was out there, I thought of something I would love to experience- being in a hot tub watching a clear, starry sky in the middle of nowhere, where there is no traffic sounds, (or any sounds for that matter) no lights, and complete darkness. It would be best to be in the middle of a forest too.

After the hot tub time, I went inside to watch some Office episodes. I watched the Christening Ep from season 7 where CiCi gets Christened at church and the whole office goes. Michael gets excited about it and even gets on a bus to go to Mexico to help orphans with a college group.
I assume that this episode made me dream weird. I dreamed that my parents moved to Mexico and could not find work so my mom went to be a servant at a house. I learn of this and go down to find them. When I get to the place that mom was supposed to be, they say she moved and did not have any address. I lost my parents and they were being held against their will... weird right?

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