October 23, 2011

Online Find and Plans for the future

How hard is it to find something online? Well, usually, I am super quick and can find pretty much anything, but this morning I must be off my game.
At the Paws N Shop, (My fav Christmas Shop in CO) I found some parts to a set of hand/kitchen/whatever towels that were red with reindeer on them, one for each of the 12 reindeer. I figured I could go online and find the same thing and hopefully find the whole set (this was not a full set at Paws because it is a thrift store).

Not finding what I want though. Maybe I will go do more Recon today and see if I can get more info- a manufacturer or name for the set. Who knows.

On a short side note, I know you are all looking forward to my 50 days of Christmas blogging, but I did that last year, so you can just go read those again. I am planning on doing 25 PICTURES of Christmas instead this year. I might change my mind, but I think that should be fun if I decide to do it.

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