February 29, 2012

Take the Leap

It's leap day! I always like that extra day to do all the stuff that you couldn't get in the rest of the year. It's like a present in the present every four years. Granted, I don't do too much differently than any other day but the symbolism is great.
The year I was born (1984) was a Leap Year and my slated birth date was near Leap Day. My parents were hoping that I might be born on Leap Day, because it would be such fun. Alas, I was way too stubborn and stuck in the womb until March 4th.
My second grade teacher was born on Leap Day and so when I was in second grade she was bragging that she was only 13 years old (or something like that) and no one believed her because he was obviously older than that. That still makes me smile.
I also have a friend on Facebook who's birthday is on Leap Day and so she is super excited for this day since it only comes every four years.

Leap Days also make me think of how I can take a giant leap. I don't want to be in perpetual motion of going nowhere. I want to take those giant leaps. I want to take chances. I am such a scary-cat (just like Pixar, my dog) and rarely take any chances. Leap Days make me think of how I can take those Metaphorical AND Physical AND Emotional Leaps.

May we all have the guts to take those Leaps on this Free Day!

February 25, 2012

Justice, my friend, Justice

I did something I normally do not do- I got a Bluray (wait until the end before you start scoffing saying I ALWAYS buy Blurays)... I got a BluRay that I didn't preview first. I have a deal with myself that I will buy Blu's (or anything for that matter) only after I have watched the movie and know it is worth it... Well, I didn't this time.

What movie did I buy without previewing? you may ask?  It is called "the Conspirator". It is a Historical Fiction about Lincoln's Assassination and the aftermath. I was not wowed, but I did enjoy it.
It has some well-known faces- James McAvoy, Kevin Kline, Rachael Evan Wood, Tom Wilkinson, Justin Long, and that dude from Star Trek TNG. (Granted, some of these names I do not recognize, but that is why I said FACES)
It is about a lawyer who has to defend Mary Surratt, an alleged conspirator to the assassination of President Lincoln. This was a difficult task because it was of a court of generals and Yankees who had pre-conceived notions about these conspirators.

When I saw this movie, Yes, I liked it, but I was mostly outraged at the fact that Justice was not being done. It just rubs me the wrong way when the supposed "Good Guys" in the film are not following the rules. There was a lot of this in this movie. I get where both sides were coming from, but I guess justice is very important in my life.

Just wanted to let you all know.

If we do not maintain Justice, Justice will not maintain us.
-Francis Bacon

February 21, 2012

Can You Smell It?

So I have some fairly good news. As I wrote a bit ago, I had a major Masters testing that I was waiting for results. I got them this evening.
The good part is that I passed one half of the testing.
There were two parts. One was my Professional core. This was the part of the core that I felt most confident about. The other part of the testing was in my subject area (Info Tech) and I was a bit more uneasy about because of my tiredness and it was the afternoon part in which I was kinda speeding through.
Well, it was reversed. The core part that I felt confident about, was the one that I need to rework some and my Info Tech core was the one I passed.

Luckily,  to pass, I just need to Skype with my professor who sent info on what I need to study on.

I am almost there with my degree. I WILL accomplish this Masters and I will be a better person for it. I can smell the end of the road.

February 15, 2012

Possibilities and Dreams

Lately I have been thinking about future. Yes, I know that I must live in the moment. Yes, I know that God commands in his word not to worry about my life because I am so much more important to him than the birds of the air... But I still think and dream.

One possibility/dream is a job opening at my church in the Children's department that I would certainly enjoy. I feel I would do a great job as the Children's director at my church. Ever since learning about it, I t has been in the back of my mind and the waiting to hear from it is making me impatient.

Another is one I just heard about a few days ago. I got a forward of a district email about openings in the Redmond School District for next year. Most were not applicable to me and ones I would not feel comfortable with, but one that screams out at me is TV/Video Production teacher at the brand new High School, Ridgeview. I know what you are thinking..., "Tim are you really wanting to teach in a High School? You always have been strictly interested in teaching Elementary classrooms!" You are so right, but I would have so much fun with a job that incorporates the Technical aspects of my passion in Video.
I would assume, because of the job being at the brand new school, the district would give the new hire a set amount of money and say, "Get everything you need" and if the new hire was me, I would be able to make the awesome purchases. How exciting would that be.

Not related to future jobs (at least directly) is my Final Comprehensive Exams that I took almost a week ago. I am still waiting to hear on these two long writing/test/papers. I am prayerfully hoping that I passed. If so, that means after this class I am currently in (which I need to catch up with) will be my last.

These are the things running in the back of my mind as I go throughout my day. May God guide my decisions and my life.

February 11, 2012

My trip with education.

I have not posted recently on my blog so I thought that I would give a quick update with my Masters. After a few years of slacking on getting my Final Project done, my advisor suggested I take a different route so I could get the Master degree rather than just let my remaining ending credits just sit there..
So I decided to take the final comprehensive exams. That was Thursday. I had the privilege of getting up at 3AM to drive over to Monmouth for my 7 hours of testing. Fun, right.

So after all that work I then proceeded to drive up to visit the family North of Portland. It was fun to see mom and dad for a day or two.

Drove home this morning/afternoon and it went pretty well. Not too much traffic and no snow.

Got home to a beautiful day and had to take a walk with Pixar. It was a
Perfect day.