April 18, 2010

The Day and Obama!

So I decided to take my own advice and head outside. I first just went out into my backyard to sit on the deck and read. That was nice, but then decided it would be a perfect time to head to a local park and do some filming of scenery- flowers, trees, ect. So I decided to go to the Riverfront Park downtown Salem.... Bad Idea. EVERYONE was there and there was a long line of cars waiting to get into parking spaces. I found it was WAAAAAY to crowded for me to be comfortable, so once I got out of there, I decided to drive downtown to perhaps find another good place. I found the Capitol and that was very vacant. There were a few couples and family and individuals spread out around the area, but I found it to be an acceptable place. So I did some filming of the buildings around and the scenery. It was a good alternative.

On my way back, I was driving home and encountered a printed paper on the back window of someone's car that read "Pray for Obama; Psalm 109:8.  I thought this must be a great verse to say we need to support our leadership and pray for them that God has put in charge. I was thinking along the lines of 1Tim. 2:1-2:
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for everyone- for kings, and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

That was NOT what the Psalm reads:
Psalm 109:8-
May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.

Now, I may not be the happiest about Obama being in office and some of what he stands for and what he believes, but I believe that we need to be respectful of him in his position. God has placed him as our leader for these years and if we want to see that change in the future, sure we should work to get the candidates that support our beliefs the most. All I am saying is that we should not be Obama bashing Christians, but REALLY pray for Obama- not that his days may be few.

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