April 20, 2010

"I will go through my life, Penny-less" (BMW Quote)

It is a very liberating thing to have no money to your name. Going through this fraud problem is quite an experience. I have been running on empty on my gas tank these past few days, pretty much since Friday, and had no money to take from until this morning when my 500 I transfered from Amtrust finally became available. So I headed to the bank to pull out $40 for getting gas. I could not do that because my account was frozen. So I talked with one of the reps and she gave me some things to do to make sure my account was being taken care of. After talking with her, I was able to pull out the $40 for gas, luckily. Then I headed straight to the gas station to get a full tank. Nope. I get there and ask to fill the tank (not thinking that it would be more than $40.) and so luckily when I saw it was going to be more than 40 I stopped it at 40ish. I was not right on the dot and so I had to use my last dollar as well and told the attendant that I had 41 and to stop it there. He went a smidge past 41 and asked if I had 3 cents. I had to search my car for some pennies and found a nickel. So, it is official, I have NO money. hehe
But, I am in good spirits after all that. Hopefully I wont have to pay for anything more. until I am reimbursed the $690 that is due back to me eventually.

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