April 18, 2010

Get Out and Enjoy!

When i moved to Salem, I just KNEW that I would hate the rain. I was used to sunny weather 300 days out of the year. Central Oregon is nice in that way. I was worried that I would be miserable in this rainy climate. There are very few times that I enjoy the rainy weather and growing up in Central Oregon I was blessed.
So, now after living in "The Valley" for almost 7 months, I have found that I was somewhat wrong. Yes, I am still not into the rainy weather, and there were many more rainy days than there have been sunny/warm days these months, but what I have found is when the sun DOES come out, everyone is out enjoying it. The community appreciates the sunny weather so much more because they don't get it as often. Everyone gets out and works on their yards and enjoys the weather.
I have found myself doing the same. When it is sunny, (Like right now) I want to get out there (with my shorts of course) and be in the Glory of God's  beauty of the spring weather and creation of Grass, Plants, and Flowers.

So, if you have the great weather, get out there an enjoy it while its here, even if you get it more than others (CO readers)


Unknown said...

Of course with your shorts, you even wear them in the middle of winter! It has been really nice here in CO this weekend, yeah! It's about time!=)

TimKirkman said...

one of my friends over here asked how many months of the year I wear shorts! I said well, its April now, and so I would probably say April- November. hehe.

Unknown said...

Except when you wear them on new years and are cold but won't admit to it!!