April 14, 2010

The Good, the Bad, and the Wedding

I had a bad experience today. I get an email notification this morning that I am out of money. This does not make sense because I checked my account a few days ago and was flush (enough) and had not made any huge purchases lately. So, I go online to the my internet banking and find out that $690 was taken from a fraud. I emailed dad asking him to check on it (cuz I was in class) and so they had to suspend my account and let it go through and then research and all that. And that means that I am left without money in my name. I have $4 in my wallet and tried to take some out today and could not because of this problem. So, hopefully, I will get my new debit card in just a few short days. What a pain.

On a happier note, I was looking through all my friends' stati (not statuses) on Facebook and one of my friends had a notification that she was attending a Concert for Kutless in Bend. I checked this out and find that it is a FREE concert. Now, I am a fairly big Kutless fan, and have seen  them about 3 or 4 times before, but I still would go to a FREE concert in Bend. But, Sadly this was a concert in Bend and I am in Salem..... But wait.... this concert is on April 24th- I will be in town on April 24th because of filming a friend's wedding. AWESOME, so because Jordan and Anthony are having their wedding on the 24th, that means I will be there in Central Oregon, and that means I can attend the concert. It should be awesome. I am excited.


Unknown said...

I've been having the exact opposite problem with my bank account. There's been extra money in mine. First a bank mistake and now just an extra $30 deposit shows up.....but alas I can not keep any of it, sometimes being honest sucks!=)

TimKirkman said...

rub it in whydontcha? hehe