March 15, 2011

Im so old, my Social Security Number is "1"

I had two very interesting age experiences on Monday (yesterday).
One was at AWANA. I help out each week at AWANA at New Hope. It has been a good experience for me. I started out helping with technical-media stuff, then went to the office for admin stuff, and then it has become just a Whatever-needs-to-be-done type of position for me. I have helped out with taking over leader positions, and helped specific age groups, and whatnot, just everything. Anyway, I was helping with a T&T1 (3rd and 4th grade) color group on Monday and so that means, going to their game time and keeping them quiet during the coucil time and listening to verse memorization during the listening time. Well, during games, for the last few minutes, the games leader wanted the kids to get out some energy so he was naming off characteristics such as eye color and whatnot for kids to run once around the circle. It was good stuff. Well, at the end, he called out if you are over 30 (for us leaders). Well, as you may know, I am not over 30. I am 27 (and proud of it, Im old). Only one of the leaders ran around the circle. The other two leaders, I am guessing here, were over 30, but did not run. Our games leader looked at all of us who were not running, especially me, and was say by his expression, "You should be running". Well, I had to point out that I was not over 30, but 27.
I think that was the first time that someone thought I was 30. Crazy huh. Funny business. (because I felt bad that I didn't run, even though I technically shouldn't have, I ran the next time he called something)
That was my first age experience....

Then yesterday afternoon, I stopped off at the Liquor store to get a few things, *Yes, You know me, the Liquor lover* and when I went up to pay for my alcoholic beverages/ingredients, my checker did not ask for my license to check if I was under age. WOW... Really?? I thought the law was that you have to ask to see it if the person looks under 39... do I look 40 years old??

Boy, I tell ya, you turn 27 and you get passed off as over 30 and over 40 years old! hehe.


Unknown said...

Hehe, when Megan was here we went out to lunch, we both ordered mojitos and the waiter only carded me, it was great! I don't know what was better, the fact I don't look 27 or the look on Megans face! ;-)

TimKirkman said...

good stuff. Yeah, Megans old now too.