May 24, 2012

Facebook Birthdays?

So, I have to confess. When I first got back on Facebook (yes, My sisters were early adopters and made me join back in 05 or 06 but I got bored with it, I mean, SO not MySpace right- at least at the time MS was the fad) I started with the whole birthday thing. I saw every birthday there was and I went to that person's page and I wrote Happy Birthday.
Then time passed and I got annoyed with the monotony and decided, Just if I come in contact with that person on a daily basis. Okay, that went well for a while, but then on my BDay I got a million FB generic "Happy Birthday"'s and I got so tired of em that I decided not even if they are someone I come in contact with- just family- because I have to....

I now have a new plan of attack! I just came up with this in the shower, (don't ask my why it was in there, and don't ask me why I felt that was pertinent information, cuz it wasn't)... oh right, my plan....

I plan to instead of wishing a Happy Birthday, write on the Birthed person who is happy's page about a fun memory of them. If there is no fun memory that comes to mind, I will just leave it at that.

While I was thinking of this fun new idea (in the shower) I decided I would also take it a step further- Instead of just writing when Bday's come around, I figured it would be nice to connect again with old friends and new alike by taking my own... (Say it like Barney from HIMYM now) CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

So, now I plan to take a 38-Day challenge to write on a random person's page on FB. This will be strictly random and will be a way to keep in touch or encourage someone via FB. After the 38 days, we shall see if I continue it. "Why would you take a 38-day challenge? Why 38?" Im glad you asked that, random blog reader, Its because I just thought of it today and I wanted to have an accountability trial- like a month-long, but I did not want to wait until June 1st to do it, so, there ya go.
 Join me in the 38-Day's of FB Connection IF YOU DARE!

May 23, 2012

Boatload of Info

These past few days, I have been the one being shoveled boatloads of technological information that I cannot keep up with.
I started my training on Monday for my new job at KTVZ. It has been fun to get to know some of the staff and have something that is a full-time job, but these past two days have been difficult to remember every single thing that I have learned. There is much to learn in the Master Control job. I am getting the hang of it and feel more confident yesterday than I did on Monday, but still not fully confident. I have today training and then Friday training and after that I switch to my regular shift and learn some of the Tech Directing part of the job. This will be  the fun part, but it will be difficult to adjust to that time-frame- Midnight to 8AM.
I did find out, though, that my shift is weekdays during that time. I was assuming that it was a weekend shift. It is not. So I get to work with Bob Shaw! I know you are jealous.

May 18, 2012

To say the least

Today was... (say it like Shawn Hafle now) In....Ter....Est.....Ing,.... to say the least.
First off, it was a Friday in May, which of course means a Sub Job. My dad snagged it for me and I was happy that I got one. There were many things that made it In Ter Est Ing though:
The fact that the class was  4th grade class that switched halfway through the day with another class.
The fact that the other class that was switched with ALSO had a sub
The fact that there was an assembly- which is never fun for me as a sub- having to keep track of the kids that I bring in.
The fact that it was also a Fire Drill day- which for ANY sub is not fun- you don't know how many kids are there, you don't know them by name- and it is total chaos.
The fact that two kids accused me of "HITTING" them.
Yeah, that happened. ME! The least physical guy in the world. The one that wouldn't hurt a fly- well, a Bee or Wasp is a given- they gots to be taken down, but flys..... Well, flys too, they BUG (pun intended) me, but past Flys and Bees and Wasps.. oh and Hornets,... I can't and wouldn't hurt anyone.

So, here's the story. During Fire Drill my kids had to travel halfway across the world to get to where they stop for the fire drill- all the way across the field. There are around 2-300 more kids out there and of course I get a gap in my line. I walked back to shoo the kids forward. There were a few young men there that were holding up the line and goofing off. I said, C'mon, lets go, catch up with your line and with the fire drill roll/signal I shooed them along. They acted as if they got hurt. There is no way! These were a few prices of paper bound together and they were shooing towards them at about a mile and hour, no way it could have hurt them.
that was that. I did not hear anything about it until the very end of the day when the Principal (an actually really cool guy) came in saying that they were accusing me of this and wanting to get my side of the story. I gave it and he mentioned that mom's were here to talk to him about it. I told him I would be happy to apologize.

After a bit longer, he and the mom's came in and I did my apologizing. Granted, he knew that, after my side of the story, that they blew things up in their mind and there was no inherent harm done, but I was willing to take the blame for the "Hitting" and he was not upset at me.

It does really bother me though that a little thing like this could blow up into something that could ruin my reputation as a teacher. What if the parents and the principal were not grounded in the idea that they made more out of this than it really was. What if they took it as I actually "Hit" them. I could loose my job and career even before it started. It bothers me that a little action like I did which was not meant to harm, and any other kid would have just not taken it as anything, or at least shrugged it off; It bothers me that that kind of thing could ruin a career.
I still don't know if that sort of thing will have further ramifications on my subbing. Perhaps because of that stupid little incident, I will be blocked from teaching at that specific school again.  Who knows, if the parents made enough of a stink about it, it could be possible.

Whatever happens, or might happen, I know that I was not being abusive at all and was only wanting to spur these students forward. Is spur the right word? It sounds painful ;) Anyway, when I dwell on things that disturb me like this incident, I find it very helpful to vent to my Blog. So, there ya go. Now, I will not worry about it.

May 15, 2012

Much has happened.

Much has happened in the past week.
First off, last Friday I had an interview with KTVZ. A good friend from church, Greg (Greggers) put in a good word for me and it got me the interview. At first it was hiring for two full-time positions- On-Air Tech, which means Master Control (Pushing buttons and watching playlists to make sure that the programming is going the way it should and on at the right times) and also one that is part Master Control and part Tech Directing (being in charge of the Weekend Early Morning Newscast- switching camera feeds, act). It turned out that one of the full-time jobs was taken back off the plate and there was only one job- the one that was split between Master Control and Tech Directing. AND I WAS OFFERED THE JOB!
I was super excited when I heard that- only one job and I was considered the best candidate.
So, I traveled into Bend after my Sub job today and did a bit of paperwork, and got my pee requirements for my drug testing. I took it right after the meeting and there was talk about doing training as early as Thursday. We shall see.

But, that is my exciting new news. Yes, this job is from 12AM (Midnight) to 8AM and I believe it is from Thursday nights - Monday so I will be super tired, but it will be nice to have a steady income- subbing is so sporadic.

Another fun thing was this last Saturday- it was going to be a super nice day and so I had thought about taking a hike. My friend, Kelly had the same idea- her's was for her B-Day though. So she got a trip going to do Alder Springs in the morning/afternoon and then have some Pizza and a movie and some bday cake. It was all super fun.

Kelly and I went with our dogs (all three of em) and set out around 10:30 from Alder Springs trailhead. I was weary about the 1600 feet elevation gain and rightfully so. Aside from South Sister (which I did not make it all the way up to and it was a few years ago)- I believe this was the most strenuous hike I had attempted. It was also a 6-7 mile long hike too. Well, after lots of breaks and thoughts (from me) of turning back because of my tiredness, we made it all the way to the end of the trail. Then the hard part- getting back to the trailhead- it was very much an uphill battle for me. I had to stop numerous times. Kelly was very patient with me though.

I finally made it all the way back around 3:30 maybe and we headed our separate ways to get cleaned up before the fun Bday festivities.
We had some pizza, watched American Outlaws, a favorite of Sarah's and had a great time socializing and eating homemade cake- by frosting experts.

By the end of that day I was SO, SO sore. It continued on Sunday and a bit of Monday, but I am feeling much better today.

May 7, 2012

Sandals or Spinner Moc?

I am torn. Torn between the idea of Sandals for the Summer or some other type. I love my Tevas, but they are kinda expensive. I need a new pair, the old ones are stinkin' when I wear them because of the rubber being old and such. (feel free to insert, "Tim, Your feet make the sandals stink" joke here.)

But, here is the thing, I went to the outlet stores yesterday and looked for some good quality, cheap sandals and did not come up with much. Nike just had Flip Flop types. I did find a few at Columbia that would work, ect, but none that I fell in love with.

I did find some shoes that are supposed to be waterproof/resistant/with holes for drainage. They are Columbia brand, so you know they will last a long time, and I cannot find em cheaper- even online. They are Spinner Moc model. Take a look
 I know they don't look comfy, but they actually were/are. This image I found online looks kinda like a girl version, but it is the same idea, just not as girly.  I am just worried that I will miss wearing my Sandals. They are super light and I could see wearing them on a hike or to the river or while swimming, but I am wondering if they will look stupid when I have shorts on (which has already started, and will last pretty much non-stop until October perhaps). Granted, I don't care as much of how I look, style-wise as some people do, I mean if the occasion is right, I will still wear socks and sandals together- its in the Kirkman male genes, but I want to feel comfortable wearing them as well and not embarrassed.
Feel free to weigh in, should I get good ol sandals, or these Columbia Water shoes (Spinner Moc)??

May 3, 2012

How sweet it is to be loved by you.... Pixar

I felt so bad this morning. My father has been here for a few days now and is working hard outside to get the house all ready for the Summer months like the good landlord that he is. He has done all sorts of hard work to get it looking fantastic again. But that is now why I was feeling bad this morning.
No, its about Pixar.
I left in the mid-morning to go to a sub job in Bend and left Pix out with Dad because it is much more interesting/exciting for a dog to be around someone and outside than to be laying on my bed (which is what he usually does all day) So, I left him out and he had free reign with gates being open and such- he sticks pretty close- and I started up my car and as I was pulling out of the driveway I saw his head peek out from the side of the house, as to say, Hey, where are you going.... Don't leave me...
I felt so bad. I rolled down my window to say that I had to go and I was sorry he could not. He looked sad.
I started to drive down the driveway and was watching him,... he started running after me. He really wanted to go. I watched as I drove down the street to make sure he stopped where he knew he was supposed to and he did. How sweet is that, that my dog loves me so much that he runs after my car down the driveway.

Oh, and I have an interview, thanks to my Non-Facebook-Loving-Friend, Greg. He gave me a great recommendation for a job at KTVZ and the hiring manager called me to do an interview tomorrow. I am so excited.

May 1, 2012

Past and Present Plans

Long time, No write. Well some things that have happened since my last blog posting- the most major of which being I graduated my Master's Degree from Western Oregon University. Other go along the lines of, Same ol, same ol, Easter was fun, I am getting more sub jobs now that Spring Break is over and teachers are looking to use up their days before they are gone, ect. OH!, I almost forgot, I purchased a New MacBookPro. I was planning to wait to purchase because the NEW MacBookPro was supposed to be revealed super soon. I could only wait like two days. It was kinda sad. I decided to get the Mac Daddy (Pun intended) because it is the massive 17" big boy. I even call him Big Mac (Copyright pending, hehe)

As per the Graduating with Degree item, I am not sure that I will be doing the actual commencement part. I just kinda feel like I've been there, done that (with the Undergrad). Also a big factor for me is the time AND the price commitment for Commencement. I have to take the time to drive over there in Mid June, purchase the regalia stuff- the hat, the gown, the hood (even though it doesn't go over your head), the tassel, and such. I will see. Im still up in the air. I agree its a big deal, but Im just not sure its worth it for me. I know my family would be there to support me, which is wonderful, but that is another thing, I don't really want to take up their time because they are busy people and we have a fun trip planned already.

This Summer, I have been putting into the works a Camping Trip. Two, in fact. The first was planned a few months ago now, it is the HUB 2nd annual Camping Trip at East Lake and it will be amazing. Last year, I had so much fun with planning the HUB 1st Annual Camping Trip and cannot wait for this years event. It was a great time of fellowship and relaxing.
The second camping trip is for family. I got the idea a while ago how fun it would be to have a family camping trip to Fort Stevens in Astoria (because it is kind of a central area for us kids on the outliers.).
So, I worked around the Guy schedule and got them to buy into it (It took some work because J didn't want to camp with little girls without having a camper/trailer thingy. Is that real camping? Im not so sure)
I also worked with the sis and parents on getting it going, so we have three campsites reserved at Fort Stevens State Park in August.
The crazy thing is that these two camping trips are directly next to each other. We will be camping on Monday/Tuesday night in Ft. Stevens, then drive home on Wed. THEN, Thursday night, Friday night, and Saturday night, I have HUB Camping.

PIXAR is going to have a BLAST!