August 31, 2009

A long anticipated wait

Today was a great morning. I got to go to my favorite fast food restauraunt right here in Bend, Oregon. Before today, I would have to go all the way across the mountain to get to this certain chain of Fast Food Restauraunts. Granted, it was incredibly crowded today because Jack in the Box just opened up this morning. I have enjoyed Jack in the Box, ever since I was introduced to it all those years ago when I was a Senior in High School. Finally, someone had the smarts enough to bring one to Central Oregon. BTW- Jack in the Box online has something called Jacks Office and you can do some fun stuff with that. Call people and leave stuff on their phone from Jack and what not.

I do have to say that today wasn't the greatest day for the Jack in the Box in Bend just because of the scores of people there. It took a while to get my food, but on the first day, you have to expect that of a new restaurant. I would def. give Jack in the Box another try and would request you do the same, because they do have good food.

August 29, 2009

"You're trying to SELL God, IM trying to Save Him"

To those interested in my opinion on movies (Trust me, I have a vast amount of movie watching experience) I would like to go on record saying that Saving God is a pretty good movie.

The premise of the movie is about Armstrong Cane. He is a man just out on parole from Prison for murdering a man. He is also the son of a Preacher, and one who, himself, grew up in the church. He turns from his ways and becomes a Preacher himself. He gets out of prison with both parents deceased, and takes his fathers fledgling church congregation and tries to turn it around. At the start of the task, there are around 25 attenders of this smallish church.
To top all of that, He is also based in the hood of the South. The church is located in a very bad neighborhood and he sees drug dealers outside his doors everyday. His goal is to start the church growing "One Soul at a Time".

During his pursuits he converts a young man going down the wrong road, and helps him to realize his potential to some degree. He also has to deal with a Drug Boss in the hood who is terrifying everyone.

This movie is a great one. I was kind of expecting a low-budget- "Christian Movie" but I feel that, even though some of the acting isn't the greatest, and there are virtually all no-name cast, It was a good movie. One to recommend at least. This is a fairly recent release (I think) but I had never heard of it before, so it did not get much publicity and what-not.
I do have to say that I enjoyed seeing Ving Rhames (the Big Black Dude from Mission Impossible) again. He did an excellent job as this character.

PS- the title of the blog is a line from this movie when Cane is talking with another preacher who has a Flock of 3500 and a BMW. I really like that line because it shows his heart for being real and standing up for what is real.


There are a few songs that REALLY REALLY get me. This song that I am about to put lyrics to, is almost not a song, because it is pretty much a poem with music in the Background, but every time I hear it, I get goosebumps from it. You should take a listening to it because just reading the lyrics is not even good enough. The song is called Infiltrate by Worth Dying For. It is the last song on their first self-titled album. You should take a look.

I'm a part of the fellowship of the unashamed.
I have Holy Spirit power.
I've stepped over the line.
The decision has been made.
I'm a disciple of His.

I won't look back,
let up, slow down,
back away, or be still.
My past redeemed,
my present makes sense,
my future is secure.

I'm finished and done with low living,
sidewalking, small planning,
smooth-knees, colorless dreams,
tame visions, worldly-talking,
cheap-giving, and dwarf goals.

I no longer need pre-eminence,
position, promotion,
applause, or popularity.
I don't have to be right,
first, tops, recognized,
praised, regarded, or rewarded.

I now live by faith,
lean on His presence, walk by patience.
I am uplifted by prayer and labour by power.

My face is set.
My gait is fast.
My goal is Heaven.
My road is narrow.
My way is rough.
My companions are few.
My God reliable.
My mission is clear.

I cannot be bought, compromised,
detoured, lured away,
turned back, deluded, or delayed.
I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice,
hesitate in the presence of my adversaries,
negotiate at the table of my enemy,
or ponder at the pool of popularity.

I won't give up, shut up, let up,
until I've stayed up, stored up, prayed up,
preached up for the cause of Christ.

I am a disciple of Jesus.

We will fight for You.
We will die for You.
We will go for You.

We will fight for You.
We will die for You.
We will go for You.

Emotions are on HIGH

There are quite a few feelings and emotions going on in the house today. Kristin, my sister, and Justin, Brother in Law, and Arianna, Niece, are heading to a new location. Justin has a new job in Bremerton, WA (for those of you know dont know where that is, it is near Seattle) and so he starts the first of September. They have been working hard, loading up their house and packing, and getting ready for the big move, and now yesterday and today are the days.
Kristin just left with Arianna, and the whole house is feeling down. I am not taking it as hard as others because I know that I will see them again soon. I guess the rest just feel that seeing them in October and Thanksgiving is just too much of a wait.

There were lots of tears this morning as the Maroon Subaru pulled away to head up-state. There will be even more, when Dad leaves for Spokane this morning as well. He had a short trip this time, but knew he needed to be here for mom as Kristin and Justin left. SO, Dad is heading to Washington as well starting around 10 or 10:30am this morning.

Kelli and Mom are going to be taking it harder than I, but they will spend alot of the day together, I am sure. There was talk of doing things in Bend together. As for me, I have a few things I will do in Bend myself, but on my own. I would rather be by myself because I have had family around alot these past few days.

August 18, 2009

Preparations and Schedules- Just my Forte

So, I am getting ready to go on a trip to the Oregon Coast with a few others. Last year, I went all by my lonesome, and trust me it was SOOO worth it. It was nice to go all by myself and my dog and just enjoy God's Majesty. I was able to go at my pace and not have to wait for anyone, which was a nice change of pace from normal vacations I have taken.
So, I went last summer, about this time, from Central Oregon all the way up into Washington, then over to Astoria, across the Astoria Bridge (Just to say that I did) and then all the way down into california, Driving along Highway 101 all the way, spending two nights at campgrounds, and then up from Northern California into Southern Oregon and back home. It was a very quick trip and I had alot of great memories (not the greatest pictures though, sad I know) and so I wanted to go again this year.

This year it is different though. We are only going from Astoria to the middle of the coast and then home in 4 days. So it will be a slower trip but we will get to take in more sights. And this year there will be three of us going. I was hoping for more of my friends from my Church group to go, but it was just too late in the season and people are busy. The rest of them are all missing out though, they have no idea. Anyways, so we are leaving tomorrow morning and then getting back on Saturday sometime.

I have had fun, trying to find good things to do in those towns along the coast. I looked into hikes and area attractions. I also was taking the reins in cooking menu and schedule. Also making sure that we have everything we need (because Lord knows that Kelli isnt going to do that sort of thing) and so I have been looking around for an extensive Camping checklist, and that I get all the items we would need. Also, I went to get all the provisions for the trip. I hope we don't forget anything we might need.
I really enjoy doing those preparations and schedules though, it is fun trying to figure out all the stuff we wanna do or take or eat.

August 16, 2009

Im Just Sayin....

So if you think about it, what type of restaraunt should have workers who can speak Spanish? You guessed it, a Mexican Restaraunt. Well, I was at Taco Bell today after worship service (Yes I know that Taco Bell is not authentic mexican food, but still...) and there were a man there trying to order and he wasnt getting very far because they could not find someone who could speak Spanish to find his order. Well anyways, Im just sayin...

August 15, 2009

Rating of a C-

As I said in my last post, I do not spend money on movies unless I know it will be good. I had an inclination that a movie was good tonight and had a want to go see a movie. I thought the previews for Funny People looked good and I usually like Adam Sandler, even though he can be a bit crass on most of his movies, so I decided to go see this new movie in the wonderful atmosphere of the Old Mill Regal 16 Theatres.
I was grossly dissappointed at this movie. It did not seem to be very attractive in sharpness of quality, and the content, although some parts were good and funny, many parts were not worth watching. I give it a thumbs up and a thumbs down.
The plot is alright, not riveting, but not too bad. The main character is George Simmons and he is a comic (much like Sandler) who started out on the stage and went into movies (Some good and some bad) but most people know him and love him. Then he is diagnosed with a disease that is like cancer that will take his life eventually. He is given experiemental drugs to try and he goes through some rough patches but comes out clean. He then decides to change his life at this event, but doesnt do a great job of it. His friend/worker notices the things that he was supposed to change, turn out to get worse. By the end, He fires his friend/worker and they are not on good terms, then at the very end they are good again.
A major part of the story is in comedy clubs and so Simmons and his friend/worker both are doing stand up comedy as well as viewing other acts and this is a major part of where the language and sexual stuff come out. Many of these comics are talking about crass issues that I did not appriciate. Also there are a few short sex scenes that made me uncomfortable to be in the theatre. I was worried that this movie would be bad because it was rated R, and I was right to be worried.

If I could cut out the bad parts and leave the stuff worthy (in my opinion) to be on the silver screen, then the movie would be about 15 minutes long, and I think it would even still work together.
One thing that was kindof fun to see was all the celebrities in the movie. Not only was Adam Sandler in it, also many new up and coming comedy actors are in it. There were also many cameos from Sarah Silverman, to Tom from MySpace, to James Taylor, to Ray Romano, and many many more. Some of whom I could not even place, but I could tell I should have known them.

Anyways, Funny People- not as good as I was hoping. There were also a few couples who it seemed like they just got fed up with the crassness and left in the middle of the movie. I did not do that, but was thinking about it quite a bit. It was also too long of a movie. It was about 2 hours and 30 min. Too long for a movie for me unless it is an epic movie that is really good.

August 12, 2009

Shots fired at the McDonalds Drive Thru

So there I was (I learned at EOU that that is the only way to start a good story) eating lunch at McDonald's on the East Side of Bend after a great free movie. I go outside after I am done eating, which is pretty soon because I usually feel weird and don't take my time when I am eating by myself at a restaraunt (Even McD's), and lo and behold there is a pretty big line for the Drive Thru. So, I get in my car and then I hear this yelling of profanity. I take a quick look and a lady that was trying to get into the drive thru was not really in line (If you take a look at the Drive Thru line its in an awkward place) anyways, she was trying to get in on the other side and to her credit, it did look like it was legitly her turn to go, but this person in the actual line did not let her in, so she is FREAKING OUT. She is yelling profanities at this car and not letting up. She even gets out of her car to walk up to this car and try to talk to the person in the car, then it looked like the person gave in and was about to backup (right about the time when I was trying to get by in my car- almost backed up onto me, then she starts walking back to her car and the other car pulls up further to get farther ahead in line and then I left but it looked like she was getting mad again.
So I go over to Office Max to get practically free items for 1 cent or 20 cents. I get out of Office Max and take a look over by McDonald's and there was a police car. Now, I am not saying that the car was there because of the crazy lady in the Drive Thru line, but it was just funny to me that right after that schirmish there was a cop car with its lights on. That was the first thing that I thought of when I came out and saw the lights.
I just thought that was funny. If you don't find the hilarity of this story, I am sorry that I wasted your 2 minutes in reading about this Crazy Lady in the McDonalds Drive Thru. \

(Disclaimer- there were no shots fired at McDonalds (at least that I know of)- it was just a cleaver title to get you interested in the story)

Little Kiddies

Visa is Right- The best things in Life are Free.
I am one of those people who does not like to spend money on things, especially when I have none. I was never known for spending money on frivolous things (Unless they were big things that were toys, ie-electronic items, or DVDs- I have WAY too many) anyways, I am what you would call a tight-wad so I was never known to go to many movies because they are just outragiously expensive and I for sure was NOT going to be spending money on concessions there (sneak em in if I have to) and certainly not going to go to the same show again, even if it is the best movie in the world, Ill wait for it to come out on DVD and buy it.
All that to say- I got to go see a movie yesterday and it was free. Regal Cinemas show "Family Films" each Tuesday and Wednesday morning at 10AM during the summer time. Yesterday I went to Madagascar 2 and it was great getting into a movie for free. I was there just in time (because I had to wait for a car to get out of surgery at U-Haul putting on a Hitch) and there were kids galore. Ya know, this whole free movie thing was meant for families, and they show kiddy movies, and so I was in a line to get a ticket with many families with young kids. It was a bit awkward to be alone in this and ask for one ticket to go see a kiddy movie without any kiddies. But it was totally worth it and I did go to join a family with kiddies.
It was great sitting in that cinema and just listening to all the kids in the audience laughing and singing "I like to Move It, Move It" all together. It brought out a great feeling in me. At a normal movie, I would be at bit disturbed hearing all this chatter in the audience, but not this movie, It was a movie for those kids, so who was I to be upset. I had a great time and am planning to go back today for another movie.
If you have a chance next summer, got to some of these free movies, even if you dont have little kiddies because it brings out the little kiddy in you. (And who wouldn't want that)

August 8, 2009

Tim the Tool Man???

So, I have always been very saddened by the fact that I am not good at mechanical/electrical/fixing items. I have a long line of good craftsmen/woodworkers/electritions/pretty much anything with your hands- men in my family. My father is just pretty much in one word- AMAZING at anything fixable (except Plumbing, he HATES having to do Plumbing, anyways) and he can do anything, pretty much;
Fix a car
repair electrical items
fix a computer
create beautiful woodwork
ect ect ect
and my grandfather the same. He was actually an electronics and woodshop teacher at a high school. And it goes back even further, back many generations that I don't even want to think about.
Now dad was great at showing me how to do things, he let me participate in changing the oil, building a deck, staining, painting, varnishing, souldering, ect but I never had the knack for it. I always wanted to help, but usually I didn't do it good enough for dad's standards (Being the perfectionist that he is, AND that I'm not) or I would just get bored with it or I would need help from the master.
I just kept on saying that the Mr. Fix-it Gene is dormant in my body, Im just a carrier.

But guess what I did this afternoon W/O any help from Dad???
Well, lets back up a bit and tell the whole story.

I have my Maggie (a Magellan GPS). I love Maggie; she helps out when I am lost and makes the car ride go quicker. Well, anyways, Maggie has been acting up lately, not charging when she is supposed to and I have to kinda push that power cord in too much and it has been loose. Well today was the final straw for Maggie. She just gave that power input way and it fell into the insides of her. I thought for sure that Maggie was a goner but I might be able to do open-case surgery.
So I Rush Maggie home to open her up to take a look. Sure enough, it was something that is fixable. But the question was, was it Tim Fixable or Mr. Fix-it Fixable. I didn't want to ruin Maggie so I thought about waiting for Mr. Fix-it to get home in a week or so, but then I got some courage, and dove into the problem. It really was a simple fix, the power input had lost its connection to the motherboard so I knew that I needed the souldering tools. I got them out and warmed up and it took some precision (Perfection from an UN-perfectionist) but I made it. I gave it a shot and it was still a bit off, so I took another shot at it and, BAM, Maggie's all better and back to Life. She is charging right beside me now and looking better than ever.

So, needless to say- This might not have been the most difficult thing to fix, but I did it all by myself and am proud of myself for doing it right. Megan- Highlight, BAM!

Oh, and the Title, I just thought it was funny that Tim the Tool Man Taylor has the same first name as myself and I am so bad with tools usually. Not today.

August 4, 2009

Ode to the Red Hot

Ode to the Red Hot

You have served me well
You have given it your all
(which was not that much)
Ode to the Red Hot

I'll remember you fondly
your oil drips
your clutch slips
your starter problems
your turned milk smell
Ode to the Red Hot

The Gas mileage
the hundred thou count
the countless trips
the blastin music
Ode to the Red Hot

Where did I not go with you?
We coasted through the coast
We whinnied up the mountain
We zoomed through the Grande Rhone Valley
Ode to the Red Hot

The zips and swerves around the corners
No one could keep up with you
I will miss those narrow street-wide U-turns
with your radius laughing
at anyone who dared to follow.
Ode to the Red Hot

You took me through those college years
the long trips to EOU and Back Home
the cruising trip to Joseph
and many trips around LaGrande
Ode to the Red Hot

Your hot and sticky seat
on those warm summer days
with no Air Conditioning
and only the wind to cool
Ode to the Red Hot

How I will miss the tiny car that IS the Red Hot!

For those of you that did not know, I called my car the Red Hot because it is tiny and it was Red. Yes, I know it is very good logic. Anyways, my little Red Hot has been increasingly getting worse and worse for wear in the recent years. It started with a clutch problem, the second gear was not working well, it took a little extra finesse to use it correctly, then the car many times, would not start up correctly, I would have to put the car in the gear that I needed it to go in and then start it up and rev the engine enough to keep it going and pretty much pop the clutch to go. Then another issue arose just fairly recently, the oil started leaking on the thing. I have had to put in extra quarts of oil a few times in between the oil changes. I always have to keep an extra quart or two in the car at all times.
But anyways, I had plans to run the car to the ground- which I have done a good job of that- and save up money for a new one-which i haven't done a good job with that because of a bad subbing year and also getting ready to go back to school. Luckily, my father was also in the market for a new car. His is not totally out like mine, but he has been saving up money for a future car purchase. Recently with his new job that he is driving to Spokane and back to Central Oregon every week, he was more serious about looking for a replacement car. So we have been looking for fuel economical cars that have AC, and Cruise, everything else was not as needed. I have been looking on and also on Craigslist. I found one when he was out of town in Spokane. It was a Ford Focus at Robberson Ford in Bend. I found it on Craigslist priced at 12,995. Then went to Robbersons website to find an internet price at 9995. There was also an eprice that I signed up for, and someone called from there saying they have a better price- 8995. So we made an appointment to see it this morning. Dad and I went and took my car. He had wanted to trade my car in to get rid of it and then give me his older car. After testing it, we saw it was good and went after it. There were only a few things that were not ideal, but for the price, it was amazing.
So, long story long, (Not short obviously) My little Red Hot is in their hands and we got a new car.
I am excited for my dad and his new car. From the time Focus' wer introduced, I loved the look of them.

So, Farewell Little Red Hot!