August 29, 2009

Emotions are on HIGH

There are quite a few feelings and emotions going on in the house today. Kristin, my sister, and Justin, Brother in Law, and Arianna, Niece, are heading to a new location. Justin has a new job in Bremerton, WA (for those of you know dont know where that is, it is near Seattle) and so he starts the first of September. They have been working hard, loading up their house and packing, and getting ready for the big move, and now yesterday and today are the days.
Kristin just left with Arianna, and the whole house is feeling down. I am not taking it as hard as others because I know that I will see them again soon. I guess the rest just feel that seeing them in October and Thanksgiving is just too much of a wait.

There were lots of tears this morning as the Maroon Subaru pulled away to head up-state. There will be even more, when Dad leaves for Spokane this morning as well. He had a short trip this time, but knew he needed to be here for mom as Kristin and Justin left. SO, Dad is heading to Washington as well starting around 10 or 10:30am this morning.

Kelli and Mom are going to be taking it harder than I, but they will spend alot of the day together, I am sure. There was talk of doing things in Bend together. As for me, I have a few things I will do in Bend myself, but on my own. I would rather be by myself because I have had family around alot these past few days.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Poor Kelli and your Mom! I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to feel when Megan leaves for good, it's not really real yet, you know?=)