August 29, 2009

"You're trying to SELL God, IM trying to Save Him"

To those interested in my opinion on movies (Trust me, I have a vast amount of movie watching experience) I would like to go on record saying that Saving God is a pretty good movie.

The premise of the movie is about Armstrong Cane. He is a man just out on parole from Prison for murdering a man. He is also the son of a Preacher, and one who, himself, grew up in the church. He turns from his ways and becomes a Preacher himself. He gets out of prison with both parents deceased, and takes his fathers fledgling church congregation and tries to turn it around. At the start of the task, there are around 25 attenders of this smallish church.
To top all of that, He is also based in the hood of the South. The church is located in a very bad neighborhood and he sees drug dealers outside his doors everyday. His goal is to start the church growing "One Soul at a Time".

During his pursuits he converts a young man going down the wrong road, and helps him to realize his potential to some degree. He also has to deal with a Drug Boss in the hood who is terrifying everyone.

This movie is a great one. I was kind of expecting a low-budget- "Christian Movie" but I feel that, even though some of the acting isn't the greatest, and there are virtually all no-name cast, It was a good movie. One to recommend at least. This is a fairly recent release (I think) but I had never heard of it before, so it did not get much publicity and what-not.
I do have to say that I enjoyed seeing Ving Rhames (the Big Black Dude from Mission Impossible) again. He did an excellent job as this character.

PS- the title of the blog is a line from this movie when Cane is talking with another preacher who has a Flock of 3500 and a BMW. I really like that line because it shows his heart for being real and standing up for what is real.

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