August 12, 2009

Shots fired at the McDonalds Drive Thru

So there I was (I learned at EOU that that is the only way to start a good story) eating lunch at McDonald's on the East Side of Bend after a great free movie. I go outside after I am done eating, which is pretty soon because I usually feel weird and don't take my time when I am eating by myself at a restaraunt (Even McD's), and lo and behold there is a pretty big line for the Drive Thru. So, I get in my car and then I hear this yelling of profanity. I take a quick look and a lady that was trying to get into the drive thru was not really in line (If you take a look at the Drive Thru line its in an awkward place) anyways, she was trying to get in on the other side and to her credit, it did look like it was legitly her turn to go, but this person in the actual line did not let her in, so she is FREAKING OUT. She is yelling profanities at this car and not letting up. She even gets out of her car to walk up to this car and try to talk to the person in the car, then it looked like the person gave in and was about to backup (right about the time when I was trying to get by in my car- almost backed up onto me, then she starts walking back to her car and the other car pulls up further to get farther ahead in line and then I left but it looked like she was getting mad again.
So I go over to Office Max to get practically free items for 1 cent or 20 cents. I get out of Office Max and take a look over by McDonald's and there was a police car. Now, I am not saying that the car was there because of the crazy lady in the Drive Thru line, but it was just funny to me that right after that schirmish there was a cop car with its lights on. That was the first thing that I thought of when I came out and saw the lights.
I just thought that was funny. If you don't find the hilarity of this story, I am sorry that I wasted your 2 minutes in reading about this Crazy Lady in the McDonalds Drive Thru. \

(Disclaimer- there were no shots fired at McDonalds (at least that I know of)- it was just a cleaver title to get you interested in the story)


Unknown said...

Sounds like you had fun! I kept waiting for the shots fired part, was a little dissapointed if you want the truth. All that time wasted.......=)

TimKirkman said...

Maybe I should have put the disclaimer at the top of the message instead of the bottom. That would have been smarter I guess.

Unknown said...

Yep, you should have. Bad Tim! Nah it's fine, what else have I got to do?=)