August 12, 2009

Little Kiddies

Visa is Right- The best things in Life are Free.
I am one of those people who does not like to spend money on things, especially when I have none. I was never known for spending money on frivolous things (Unless they were big things that were toys, ie-electronic items, or DVDs- I have WAY too many) anyways, I am what you would call a tight-wad so I was never known to go to many movies because they are just outragiously expensive and I for sure was NOT going to be spending money on concessions there (sneak em in if I have to) and certainly not going to go to the same show again, even if it is the best movie in the world, Ill wait for it to come out on DVD and buy it.
All that to say- I got to go see a movie yesterday and it was free. Regal Cinemas show "Family Films" each Tuesday and Wednesday morning at 10AM during the summer time. Yesterday I went to Madagascar 2 and it was great getting into a movie for free. I was there just in time (because I had to wait for a car to get out of surgery at U-Haul putting on a Hitch) and there were kids galore. Ya know, this whole free movie thing was meant for families, and they show kiddy movies, and so I was in a line to get a ticket with many families with young kids. It was a bit awkward to be alone in this and ask for one ticket to go see a kiddy movie without any kiddies. But it was totally worth it and I did go to join a family with kiddies.
It was great sitting in that cinema and just listening to all the kids in the audience laughing and singing "I like to Move It, Move It" all together. It brought out a great feeling in me. At a normal movie, I would be at bit disturbed hearing all this chatter in the audience, but not this movie, It was a movie for those kids, so who was I to be upset. I had a great time and am planning to go back today for another movie.
If you have a chance next summer, got to some of these free movies, even if you dont have little kiddies because it brings out the little kiddy in you. (And who wouldn't want that)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Isn't it great!! I love going and who can argue with the price? I love going to kids movies with kids, they say the darndest things. We never go see movies as a whole family and this summer we went to at last one a week!=)