August 15, 2009

Rating of a C-

As I said in my last post, I do not spend money on movies unless I know it will be good. I had an inclination that a movie was good tonight and had a want to go see a movie. I thought the previews for Funny People looked good and I usually like Adam Sandler, even though he can be a bit crass on most of his movies, so I decided to go see this new movie in the wonderful atmosphere of the Old Mill Regal 16 Theatres.
I was grossly dissappointed at this movie. It did not seem to be very attractive in sharpness of quality, and the content, although some parts were good and funny, many parts were not worth watching. I give it a thumbs up and a thumbs down.
The plot is alright, not riveting, but not too bad. The main character is George Simmons and he is a comic (much like Sandler) who started out on the stage and went into movies (Some good and some bad) but most people know him and love him. Then he is diagnosed with a disease that is like cancer that will take his life eventually. He is given experiemental drugs to try and he goes through some rough patches but comes out clean. He then decides to change his life at this event, but doesnt do a great job of it. His friend/worker notices the things that he was supposed to change, turn out to get worse. By the end, He fires his friend/worker and they are not on good terms, then at the very end they are good again.
A major part of the story is in comedy clubs and so Simmons and his friend/worker both are doing stand up comedy as well as viewing other acts and this is a major part of where the language and sexual stuff come out. Many of these comics are talking about crass issues that I did not appriciate. Also there are a few short sex scenes that made me uncomfortable to be in the theatre. I was worried that this movie would be bad because it was rated R, and I was right to be worried.

If I could cut out the bad parts and leave the stuff worthy (in my opinion) to be on the silver screen, then the movie would be about 15 minutes long, and I think it would even still work together.
One thing that was kindof fun to see was all the celebrities in the movie. Not only was Adam Sandler in it, also many new up and coming comedy actors are in it. There were also many cameos from Sarah Silverman, to Tom from MySpace, to James Taylor, to Ray Romano, and many many more. Some of whom I could not even place, but I could tell I should have known them.

Anyways, Funny People- not as good as I was hoping. There were also a few couples who it seemed like they just got fed up with the crassness and left in the middle of the movie. I did not do that, but was thinking about it quite a bit. It was also too long of a movie. It was about 2 hours and 30 min. Too long for a movie for me unless it is an epic movie that is really good.

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