April 11, 2010

Am I Dating?, Good Intentions, and PKs

I went to a friend's church this morning. Heather was involved in the worship team and was up there for a while. She did a great job of helping to lead worship, through song.
When there was the inevitable greeting time, I got up and met some people around me. One of the ladies sitting behind me asked how I was here and if I was related to anyone. I said that I was visiting my friend Heather and the first thing that came out of her mouth- You're dating Heather? No, I am visiting Heather, I don't want to start any rumors.
Its funny how those things happen. I said nothing about dating, but this lady was very anxious to think that we were dating. I have quite a few people at my former church that were that way too. They were on the "lookout" for me to find me a wife. Even my own mother was on the Prowl for me. She had found someone at the church that she thought was perfect for me. Now, I can grant you that a mother has some sort of right to be able to do that a bit, but there are many people who are not asked to search for you, and they just do it. They want to matchmake. Now, they may think this is a nice thing to do, but for those single people out there might not feel the same. It can be a bit of an inconvenience. It can be a bit embarrassing.  My sister got it the most from our old church- one lady was hounding her about trying to find her a guy so much to the point that she was on the verge of making a guy up for a boyfriend just to calm the lady down.
When we got out of church, I told Heather about this experience, and she had already known this was going to happen. She felt bad but, hey, it happens to all of us.
Afterwards, we went out to Ruby Tuesdays. That was fun too. We got to talking about some of those things that us PK's (Pastor's Kids) deal with and some of the feelings that happen along with it. We talked about old times and caught up on current events. It was a good time of catching up with an old friend.
Next time, she gets to come over to Salem and join me at my church and then we will get to go to Olive Garden for lunch.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'd never had the matching making problem, everyone was focused on getting Megan maried but now that she's been "taken care of".....let's just say awkward!!!=)