April 1, 2010

April Fools Day

Well, I have never been one for fooling people on April Fools. I have never been into it. I guess part of it stems from the problem that I am not good at fooling people. Whenever I try to trick people, it just goes terribly wrong. I try to make these elaborate inventions of my imagination work, and they don't. I am not good at lying (which I guess is a good thing) but when trying to trick someone, it just does not help when you are telling them something false and you are smiling and trying not to crack up. Does this happen to anyone else? Or perhaps it is just me.

Another major problem with April Fools is that I am made a fool easily. I consider it my nature to trust people and then I just get totally fooled. People try to fool me and I trust whatever they say (except for the occasional way-out-there-ideas and comments) There have been a few April Firsts that I don't get either. Ya know, once I had a friend show up with a cast on. Was this supposed to be some sort of wonderful evil-laugh prank? I just don't get it. I would think that sort of prank would be just annoying to the person pulling the preverbal casted-arm, because you would just get lots of people come to you and say "Oh, No, What did you do?"  Or "What Happened". Wouldn't that get EXTREMELY ANNOYING? I think it would for me.
Then there's those that place on their Facebook status changes such as Relationships and whatnot or even just bogus postings. I don't get it. Then you just get people asking questions and might even get those who are so concerned that they go and call you up for the scoop. What do you say then?  "APRIL FOOLS"

WOW, thats stupid. I guess you will just have to put my down for someone who is not going to be doing April Fools Joke/Pranks/Status Changes/Whatever.
I also do not laugh so hard when they are pulled on me. Congratulations, you GOT me, not that hard. You don't even need a special day to pull that on me.


Bekah said...

Blogspot needs a 'Like' button :) I completely agree with many april fools things, but at least i have been able to laugh at a few i heard tonight :)

Pastor Mike said...

Are you getting a bit cynical?

Unknown said...

Hmm, I get the feeling this isn't your favorite holiday? It's not bad to be trusting, and if it makes people laugh sometimes, all the better to learn that valuble lesson of laughing at yourself!=)