April 17, 2010

No Wii for me!

I found out last night that I am not for strategy. I just do not think that way. I played two games (well one full one and a portion of another) and I did not do well. I played Citidels and Pirates Cove and was not good at either.
Another thing that I did not totally enjoy about either of them is that they were so complicated and LOOOOOOONNNNGGGGG! The first game took about an hour and a half and then the other I left after probably half an hour to an hour and we were nowhere near done.
I am more into games that can last 30 minutes. Or even games that you can just quit at any time (like Apples) that way you can move on to another game.
I was hoping to Wii before I left, but was so tired after those two long games, I had to just go straight home. Oh well, next time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love Wii, though I have to have Annika show me how to use it! Even Eli is better at it then me.....=(