May 1, 2010

I Like Big Belts and I cannot lie.

I was reminding myself of a funny moment with dad when I was in Jr. High it must have been...
We were driving in the car, just dad and I, and somehow I had noticed my mothers huge belt that day or something like that. She used to wear really think belts, maybe it was stylish (what do I know about style right) anyways, I asked my dad "Why do women have such big belts??"
He thinks for a minute and then starts talking about the physiology of a woman and the fact that it helps them in child birth and so on.  I was a bit confused to say the least. I asked dad, What? How does a belt help in child bearing?? He starts to laugh out loud.
You have probably guessed by now that dad thought I said, Why do women have such big butts. It was the funniest thing and I remember that conversation even now, so many years later.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That makes me smile!=)