January 14, 2011

Do you believe in love at first sight?.....

or should I walk by again? Im sure you have heard this pickup line as well as knew it was coming from my title of the post. Granted, I kinda like cheesy pickup lines, even if I don't use pickup lines. They just make me laugh. Its pretty much like a good cheesy joke.

But, is there true love at first sight? Now, before I dive into this posting, I have to give a disclaimer. I am a hopeless romantic. I love all those chick flicks where they guy stands out in the rain for the girl, or holds a boombox out in front of her 2 story window with a cheesy haircut. Or perhaps he just makes a fool of himself for his girl because he knows that making a fool of himself isn't as important to him as his lady friend. I am a hopeless romantic, and I fear I always will be.

That being said, I feel that a love that last for a lifetime- true love (to blauaath) is not found in an instant even before speaking to someone. Sure, there is definitely ATTRACTION at first sight. But can you really love, really love someone just by SEEING THEM? I think not. If you think sight is true love, you are very superficial and it most likely won't last long because you will fall in love "at first sight" again and then it all goes down the dumps!

I feel the real love, the love that we all want to feel, the love that makes us do stupid stuff, the love that makes our heart stop, the love that makes us feel alive, the love that is patient and kind, the love that is forever, that love takes time. It is not just a casual sight of someone, but instead is getting to know someone over a matter of time. Getting to know the REAL person, not just the person that they act like to impress you. You may be thinking, if it takes so long and you have to get past the person they act like to impress, how will you know? Well, I am no expert on this by any means, but after observing true love in some relationships around me, I feel that it does take time. Spending time with someone, and apart from them. (by apart, I don't mean, dating and breaking up and then dating again- I mean not being consumed by the other person- when in a relationship take some time for yourself, by yourself or with other friends. I just mean not spending every waking minute with the person.) Going through stressful and hard times with them. Being willing to forgive and forget, being willing to give in and also being willing to stand up at times too. Compromise is a large part of this type of relationship. As they always say, pick your battles.

That's enough about giving love/relationship advice from someone of whom is single.


Kelli said...

Hey, I freely and frequently give love advice. I think you have a clearer view of what the picture should be when you are not "in" the picture. ;)

Unknown said...

I think it's a great blog posting, Tim! (don't know why I picked today, at 6am to catch up on them a little :) ) I completely and totally agree....now if only everyone else would! :)