January 17, 2011

I had a dream...

Last night/this morning I had a dream. This dream was not a dream that

"black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"
(But it would be appropriate since it is Rev. MD Martin Luther King JR day.)

This dream happened when I was half-awake and half-asleep. This dream was about me driving to Portland in an old beat up 1968 Ford pickup (which BTW is going to happen) and then for some reason I have $5000. in form of a check in my pocket. I got to a US Bank (my current bank provider) and wanted to cash the check in its entirety. Don't ask me why I had $5000 in a check, because that is not true. And don't ask me why I wanted to cash it all and not put it in my account, because that wouldn't be true either.
Anyway, so there I was waiting for my $5000 check to be cashed and there were all these people around me. They gave me a box with the money in it and I checked it to make sure all $5000 was there. Then, I had to wait to talk with someone so I was just standing/sitting there with a box full of cash and all these people around me that were looking like they wanted to take my money. The teller helping me was even more nervous about me having the money than I was. When I was about to give my signature, he stopped me to show me there was this old lady that had a pendent that was going to use it to copy my signature and then every 2 minutes I would check to make sure my box of money was still there.

I don't know for certain, but it kinda sounds like I have been watching too much Psych. This is a show where two (Un)Psychic detectives notice things around them and solve crimes by dastardly people who think of devious ways of cheating (like using a pendent to copy a signature).

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