January 1, 2011


I have a very bad track record of New Years Resolutions. Have you been there too? Say, "This year, I'm going to... or I won't...!!!!" Well, it does happen. I am sure that many resolutions from New Years often start out with a BANG, and then end in a whimper.
As much trouble as I have had sticking with my goals, whether it be a physical, spiritual, mental, or just general goals, you might think that I would just give up on resolutions (like a friend of mine did as mentioned on FB this morning). But I say, even if they are not accomplished, goals are always a good thing, as long as they are attainable. I took some time this morning as I was thinking about the past year, and planned out some goals to make my 2011 (twenty-eleven, not two thousand eleven- Im still on that Kick- I don't know why so many are saying two thousand- its just time consuming) a banner year.

Not to mention all of my goals (I kinda like to use the word "Goals" rather than "resolutions"), because some are personal that I would like to keep that way, but some are as follows:

*Spend time with God 5X a week
*Memorize one verse a week
*Finish my Masters degree
*Limit my television watching
*Walk my dog at least 5x a week
*Get a Full-time Permanent Job ( I bet no one could have guessed that one)
*and misc. others as well.

I broke mine down into four Categories- Spiritual, Physical, Mental, and General Goals.

I would encourage anyone on the fence about setting goals for the new year, to just sit down a do it, even if it is just one.  To quote an over-quoted quote:

"You miss 100% of the Shots you don't take!" - Wayne Gretzky

So, get those pens out and dream big about what changes can be done.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What lazy kind of person doesn’t make New Year’s resolutions?!?
Humph, it's only one more syllable to say two thousand eleven, it's funny I haven't heard one person say it my way)aka the right way!) I fear I will be haring it your way until I die, 'cause I'm not planning on making it the next turn of the century!=P