January 23, 2011

You Decide '11

Now that both of the teams that I wanted to win their games today in the playoffs won, there is a challenging question.... Who should I pick to side with for the superbowl?

This is a tough one because I like both teams. The Steelers are a great team and they are doing so well, but I als really like the Packers. I am just so excited that both teams won their respective playoff games today. But the conundrum still remains. I am a fan of Rothlisburger, just because of his name- its fun to say and it barely fits on his jersey, but I really have to side with Rodgers in QB status.
I also really enjoy siding with the underdog, or the team that has never been to the Superbowl before (except for last year. I have NEVER, ever been a fan of the Saints. WHO DAT? REALLY?)
Anyway, that is why I come to you, my faithful 2 or 3 readers of my blog. I want you to fill out a "Who should I side with poll" from Survey Monkey. You can choose to vote as you like. You can put in who you are siding with, or the opposite, whatever you feel. And, also, just to be totally honest here, I might side with the poll, or I might side against the poll, but it will be interesting to see if I get any poll votes at all.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

PS- I also will be putting this on my FB status, so feel free to go there as well, and since you read all the way through the blog posting, I am giving you the choice to cast your vote twice (if you are a FB friend that is)

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I don't get it. Boise State Broncos was not an option....