January 22, 2011

The Land Between and the excitement and devastation it contains.

This weekend I had the pleasure of attending the GIA Summit. Now, this sounds very fancy and you may be wondering what GIA stands for. Well, I'll tell ya. It stands for Grace in Action. This catchy phrase is the mantra of my church- New Hope. It is the embodiment of Christ in our community. It is putting Actions behind our faith. It is caring for the community and the world. This GIA Summit was designed as a ThankYou/Leadership Training for those New Hopers of whom are involved in the various ministries. There were leaders from Children's Ministry/Awana, and Youth Ministry- MS and HS and HUB if you count it, Women's Ministry, Worship Ministry, Missions, Tech- pretty much anything and everything.
It was a great time. There were about 160 attenders. The format of the weekend was Friday night (about 5:30-9) and this morning (Saturday) from 8-noon. We were provided with a wonderful catered dinner, Breakfast and lots of good snacks in-between. The majority of the teaching time was via video from famous Pastor/Writer/Speakers such as Bill Hybels, Andy Stanley, Jim Collins, and Jeff Manion.
I was challenged by these speakers. To be totally honest, there were some I prefered over others, but I was able to glean something from all of em.

I was very blessed to be asked to be a part of this Summit. I would have to say my favorite speaker was Jeff. He did an amazing job of summing up where I am at right now- the Land between. He spoke of the isreallites and their land between and how we can be at that same Land between ourselves when we feel that we should be in one place but feel stuck in another. Graduating from college and finding no job has left me in a Land Between.

He speaks of the Land Between having fertile ground for:
Emotional Melt-downs
God's Provision
God's Discipline
and Transformational Growth.

Why We're Not Emergent: By Two Guys Who Should BeThe Land Between: Finding God in Difficult TransitionsWOW, some of those scare me, but others are quite comforting. The Land between is a great place for God to grow a person and that is what I am looking for- growth to become a full, well-rounded individual. Sure, it can be scary to be in this Land Between- not knowing what will happen in the future and now knowing where things might come from, but it is also an exciting place if we choose to think of it that way.
I was so moved by Pastor Jeff's Land Between discussion, I knew that was a book I was going to get. I actually got three of em. I plan on Reading the Land Between after I am finished with Why We're Not Emergent, by two guys who should be.

Also, to go along with this idea of the Land Between, I have decided that my devotions right now need to be in Exodus.

May we grow in our relationship with God, whether we are in the Land Between or in a steady part of our lives.
 May we thrive in any and all circumstances.

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