January 25, 2011

Hardest Job to be Prego

So, I went to the dentist yesterday and was very impressed. My Dental assistant was preggers and still working. Now, many ladies work through their pregnancy to save up money and to take the extra time off after the baby rather than before, but to be a dental assistant, working around people and having to be so close to them, I could tell yesterday that it was certainly an art. She had to lean in physically uncomfortable ways to protect her baby and such. She was 6 months pregnant and still working as hard as ever. Needless to say, I was very impressed. (and she did well with my teeth too- except they didn't hurt while she was working on them, but then were sore afterwards the rest of the night and even today a bit too)

But, think about it- it would be a tough job to do being pregnant. If a pregnant woman works in an office, or a school or wherever, she can sit down and take breaks easily and not have to be in as close quarters as a dentist. Major props to her.

Also, very unrelated,  Google Voice has the Port-ability now so you can use your old number that everyone knows and still have google voice features. Also, MacWold (expo/event) starts in two days and it really makes me wanna go down to San Francisco to see it. That would be cool.

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