December 24, 2010

50 Days: Christmas Eve

What can I say about Christmas Eve. It is such a wonderful time. It's that feeling of knowing that Christmas Day, the day you have been waiting for for a long while, is finally just a moment away. There are some wonderful traditions on Christmas Eve that we have always participated in- one is a Candlelight service. These are especially wonderful. I cannot remember a Christmas when we (my family) would not go to a Candlelight service at church.
This year was no different. We got back a little over an hour ago from the La Center Church service. We all took part in this service. Dad did the scripture readings and sermon. (and yes, at the end he did the whole Joy to the World thing that I had mentioned a friend nicknamed him for.) Mom was in the worship team playing Violin. My sisters sang a trio of Breath of Heaven with my mother. (It worked well cuz my sister is 7 or 8 mo. prego). I sang a solo- The Christmas Shoes-which I botched up the ending, so it was a bit embarrassing, but people still loved the solo. I also did the video taping of the service and so that was fun.

The Eve of Christmas is such a wonderful time. May you remember the true meaning of CHRISTMAS on this Eve of the celebration of Christ's Birth.

1 Day until Christmas  (actually around 3 hours and 5 minutes away)

Exciting stuff.

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