December 1, 2010

50 Days: Christmas Cheer

Who doesn't have Christmas Cheer when it gets closer? Perhaps the single parent who has doesn't have enough money to get through the holidays. Or perhaps the single person with no family who sees everyone else sharing time with their loved ones and has none of their own. Yes, the holidays can be a depressing time for those people, but for most of us, it is such an amazingly happy, wonderful time. I believe that even those people who have no one or no money for their family can still enjoy the holiday season and have christmas cheer. If Christmas was all about the presents, then the later than there would be no way for the person without money to make it a good Christmas, but thankfully it is NOT!

I just get such a warm feeling inside when this time of year comes around. I always start the season so early because of that feeling that yearns for me to join in. The music helps the feeling of cheer, also the carols, the movies (which I get to start soon), the lights, the topics, the events (like christmas tree lightings), and many more ways allow the Christmas cheer to fill our lives.

Happy December Everyone!
24 Days until Christmas! Do you have the Cheer?

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