December 23, 2010

50 Days: Fireplace.

I really love having fireplaces- weather real or fake.  When I was younger, my family had a house with a real wood stove. I loved the smell of the real fire, but the energy that you have to put into is not my favorite. Im speaking of having to go woodcutting in the summer with all those bees around, and also the fact that you have to go out in the morning to get the wood for the fire from outside.

I also love other fireplace types such as pellet stoves, gas fireplaces, and inserts such as that. I love the fireplace that I had at my former house in Bend. It was a great house with an awesome gas stove that turned on by a thermostat. And it kicked out the heat like nothing else. Awe (wait for it...) some!

Well, during Christmas, I love having fireplaces with stocking hung by them. It just is so festive and wonderful.

2 Days until Christmas!
Fire up that place if you got em- It just adds to the ambiance.

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