December 18, 2010

50 Days: Snow

What a perfect day to have a posting about SNOW! right? This was even my scheduled day for posting about snow. wow. Well, over here in Redmond, we got about a foot of snow last night and more is on the way.

What is so great about snow? Well, its pure. Its water, which is always good. It is wet and cold and that moment right before you hit someone in the face with a snowball is just... Magical!

It reminds me of a recent Office episode. Jim gets Dwight with a Snowball and the rest of the episode, Dwight is getting back at Jim with snowballs. Exciting stuff.

This picture is one of Pixar with his legs being covered up by the snow. It came all the way up to his body. We were having a good time of romping and playing around in the snow this morning.

I love the snow. But, the question is, would I love the snow if I had it year-round? I don't think so. It would not remind me of Christmastime either. I would just get used to the snow and it would leave me with no wonder and Awe of the snow!

I do not like driving in the snow, though. Sure, the cookies in the vacant parking lot where no one can be hurt are fun, but aside from that, driving in the snow is NO FUN! It makes me tense. I am more worried about the other drivers than I am about myself. Lets see how I feel about the Snow and driving after Monday (when I am driving over the pass)!

7 Days until Christmas!

Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow, SNOW! (Now that I have my family singing, I'll leave ya)

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