December 6, 2010

50 Days: Angels on Treetops

You might be wondering about this interesting posting title. Well, I already talked about Angels in the form of snow (or is that snow in the form of angels?) but this posting of Angels is about a different kind of angels. Angels are, afterall, from the Realms of Glory.

The angels I am talking about today in my posting is the ornamental angels that are tree toppers. Growing up, for as long as I can remember, we had an Angel Tree Topper. It is another one of those Kirkman Christmas Traditions. Sadly, this original angel, being porcelain at the head and hands, inevitably, from tree and children mishaps, got broken.
Well, moms solution to that is HOT GLUE GUN! If anything is broken in that material, she gets down the Hot Glue Gun and tries her best to repair. That Angel tree topper should have been thrown a few years earlier than it did. We just did not ever want to get rid of such a family tradition such as that. Well, a few years ago, a replacement was found and the tradition of having an angel tree topper has been kept alive.

For me, I do not have an Angel tree topper. The first year I had my own tree, my roommate, Shawn, decided that we could use a larger star ornament that I had and we tacked it to the roof of the place. It hung down almost perfectly to top the tree. This year, I think I need to find a legit tree topper, wether a star or angel or whatnot.

19 Days until Christmas!
Can you believe it- under 20 now and where I am it is snowing wonderfully.

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