December 20, 2010

50 Days: Spending time with Family

As I sit here in my parent's new house with the Christmas decorations all done up. Getting to spend lots of time with my family is very important to me. I enjoy spending time with those closest to me. Around Christmastime it is even MORE important. We have so many traditions (as you can tell if you have read my other 45 Christmas postings) that just make the holidays the best, and they are so much more special sharing these traditions with my family.

I look forward to sharing these holiday traditions with my future family as well. Traditions that can be passed down from generation to generation. Perhaps my future children will take some of these traditions and add some new ones of their own and pass those down. It's a never-ending cycle. (at least I hope).

My sister, brother-in-law, and niece (two technically- Selah in womb) will be traveling into town in a few days, I am here already, and the last addition to the complete the family is my other sister, Kelli who is always fashionably late and will be traveling in the next day. We will all be here for Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning. I am excited to have the whole family here for Christmas and also for the Christmas Eve service at my parents' church.

5 Days until Christmas!
May we all spend lots of time with loved ones this Christmas Season!

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