December 10, 2010

50 Days: Presents under the Tree

You may not like this, but I sneak and peek at my Chirstmas Presents. I am not a person who likes surprises. It doesn't excite me to wonder what I am getting and wait to find out what it is. I am the curious type that has to know NOW what I am getting- not in 15 days. So I always find a way to sneak a peek at my presents. When I was younger, I always shook my presents and tried to open them early, but nowadays I have gotten smarter about it.

I love to sit in view of the Presents under the tree. More on that to follow, but it is such a sight for me to see presents under the tree. Not that I get excited because they are mine, but because someone was thinking of someone else. I even put my presents under my tree here at my house because it gives me joy. None are mine, but the sight is a wonderful thing.

I have already mentioned this a bit before, but, I really liked how my parents did not dispell the Santa Rumor, but also didn't hype it up. Even when we were young, they put out presents under the tree early. I think I woud like to do the same for children, when I have some.

15 Days until Christmas! Have you put out your presents under the tree yet?
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Unknown said...

What are we going to do with you Timothy Jmaes? peeking at your presents. Is that how your Mother raised you? ;-)

TimKirkman said...

Nope, mom raised me not to peek, but I still do!