October 25, 2011

Double Theaters and sitting next to a cutie

I seem to remember going to a movie where I was super early and so I went to another room that had a before-the-movie type of party. I stayed at the party way too long and the movie started. It was a major movie, and it must have been opening night or something, so I ran into the theater that was dark by then. I could not find my seat. I decided to walk all the way up to the top row that felt like it was 200 feet high, and I got dizzy. I must not have realized that I get scared of heights. I worked my way down a few flights.  I found two open spots. I asked if they were taken. There were two ladies on either side.
One girl said Yes, they were taken, and I asked, Both of them?  The other girl knowing I needed a spot said, No, just that one, so I sat down. Where we were sitting, we had side seats. It must have been Christmastime because our side seats were being blocked by fake plants with Christmas lights on them. I was annoyed until I saw that there was another projector going on the side we were facing. (Don't ask me why they had side-seating)
Halfway through, I realized that Pixar, my dog, was getting restless and needed to go out. He was in the theaters with us and was walking all around the place. I was worried that he would have an accident on the theater floor. So, I quietly took him out the back way. He did his business, and then we couldn't get it.

Then, I realized, as you may have by now, that this was all my dream from last night.
Did I trick ya into thinking it was real.


Unknown said...

I was wondering.....

TimKirkman said...

What... you didn't think it was possible that I could sit next to a cutie. hehe