November 29, 2011

27 Days of Christmas- 1984

Last Christmas season, I had a great time doing my 50 Days of Christmas Blogging. It was great to have a daily topic that I would blog about. I enjoyed remembering my childhood. This year, I wanted to do something similar, but I could not do the same 50 because I would not be writing about anything different.  I felt like 25 days would be a better amount as well. 50 was great, but it started so early and was lots of remembering. So, after some thought, I decided to do 25 days of Christmas Photos. After I mentioned I was planning this, I got a question from a sister, I believe. The question- Is it photos of this year or of Christmases past. I casually replied that I was not sure and it might be both.

After some further thought, I planned to do both- One a day, of a photo taken that day, then another from Christmases past. After even more thought, I figured that I would do 27 days of Christmas Photos because  I am 27 years old and was hoping to have one a year from past Christmases. I was not able to find one for EACH year, but I got super close, so that is the plan.

Yes, I should have started yesterday, but I am counting Christmas as well, so that makes 27.

Today's past photo is circa 1984. I know what you are thinking, but feel free to omit the "You were so cute, what happened" comments...

Today's taken photo is of some new decorations that I purchased at the Paws N Shop. They are tea light candle holders (glass). It was taken with my iPod touch with a camera app called White Christmas which lets you add snow and other artifacts.

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