November 20, 2011

That much work for $1

There is a family tradition that was started quite a few years ago- going out to lunch after a church service on Sunday afternoons. I have come to keep this tradition for myself, even when I am not near my family. I enjoy getting a meal after church, its a tradition, almost as deeply rooted as the tradition in my family to take an afternoon nap after church. I don't observe that one as much.

Usually when I head to lunch after church, I am looking for the place that is fast and cheap. I often go out to fast food, it completes both of my requirements. I had a coupon for Wendy's and so I decided last night that I would go there for my fast, cheap food to make it even cheaper. Not smart.

I got to Wendy's and there were a few people in front of me. These few people just must have ordered a ton because they walked away with trays full of food. No wonder it took longer than I thought it should have. Once I got to the front of the line, I ordered the new W meal, which was $4.99 and also a Monterey Ranch Chicken Sandwich for $.99. I had a dollar off a combo coupon so it made it $4.98 total. Not too bad of a price for me. I gave the coupon and the lady had to check with her manager. Then the manager had to go and check on it, because this coupon was one they had not seen before. I told them it came in an email that they often send out, but that didn't matter. The manager had to get on the phone in the back to check on this deal... It was $1, c'mon.  So after waiting for probably 3 minutes for this stupid $1 off coupon to be validated, the manager comes back and says she was not sure that it was legit but was going to give me the $1 off anyway. Needless to say, I will not be getting food at Wendy's with a coupon anymore, which is to say that I will not be attending Wendy's much for a while either.

Oh, one more funny thing, While I was waiting for my coupon to be validated, one other cashier came up to me and said "Sorry about the Coupon Nazis, I just accept everything"I think she might have gotten in trouble with that comment because right before I left, I was noticing that the manager was talking to someone and looking at me quite a bit, from a distance. Then, before I left, I went up to get a refill of soda and the girl who made the comment said she was getting yelled at by her manager but it was okay because she was laughing about it.

The moral of the story, don't make fun of your manager, and don't go to Wendy's with a coupon.

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