November 7, 2011

Posing Questions

Last night, at my HUB College group from church, we were posed an interesting question to us. It caught me and I thought it would be a nice thing to blog about to get other thoughts.

The question?
Is the Body of Christ (The Church) an organism or an institution?

I would love to say that it is a living organism, growing and changing, and adapting, but sadly, I am not sure I see it that way. The very first thing I thought of when he started that question was institution, even before Andy gave that option, it popped into my head.

Granted, this was an April Fools joke, but still resonates
With so many committees and chairs and ministries within the church, it just feels corporate to me. It seems that most churches forego the change in the life for a corporate feel. The emphasis is on the program, not where it should be, on Christ. We have meetings and classes and budgets. We have small groups, we have ladies bible studies, we have DivorceCare, we have a Video Ministry, we have worship practices to make sure we look professional, we have a woman's ministry, a men's ministry,  a prayer ministry, monthly creative services meetings, weekly run-through meetings, and whatever else. (This is most churches, not excluding mine.)

I am not saying these are bad, and most are needed in one way, shape or form, but that all says to me Institution.
As was pointed out, there does need to be some sort of structure so the church can work. No one wants to go to a church where no one knows what will happen next and there is nobody in charge.

What do you think? Sound off in Comments or on Facebook, whatever is easiest.

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