November 5, 2011

Snow and Disappointment (Not from the Snow)

As of this morning, I was very excited for the atmosphere trying to snow. I was at a Men's Breakfast at church and got out of the  breakfast to find a dusting of snow on the ground. Super exciting for me. To me, living in Central Oregon, When it snows, it is just a sign that Christmas is on its way. Of course, the snowing did not last long and melted soon, but it was the first snow of the season that I saw.

Also at the Men's breakfast, I got disappointing news, we will not be having our 2nd Annual Christmas Party (for the HUB College group) at my house this year. I had SO SO much fun last year and think my house works great for it, comfortable, with lots of Christmas Decorations and such. But alas, I think a major reason is because we are changing venues for our regular meeting to our Church's coffee area and we want to be able to fit everybody in comfortably. Last year, we fit, but it was a bit crowded, if we had too much more than last year, we would be uncomfortable. I certainly will miss my house and a huge REAL tree. We will have to work hard at making that Coffee Area really fun with Christmasness. (yes, I meant to use Christmasness, I like it. I think it will be my word for the Christmas season, full with Christmasness.

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