November 13, 2011

A song you have to listen to... a million times

A few weeks ago,  My sister and I drove up to Washington to see my family. My two nieces were getting dedicated to the lord "WE WILL" says my 3 year old Niece when the pastor asks the congregation and the families to say "we will" after statements.. pretty funny.

Anyhow, because of this trip, I needed, for my sanity, to create a playlist that would last the whole time and have some great music, because I did not want to have to switch the music during driving, so just like Melvin Udall in As Good As It Gets, I had it all planned out. I made some great song selections, one both my sister and I would enjoy. I got to the end of my library to find I had 570 songs (or 1.5 days worth). So I had some extra but that works fine for me. Even after the trip I have been letting them play and I am so glad of that because I came across one of my current favorites- Beautiful Things by Gungor.

I know what you are thinking... What kind of name is Gungor for a band?... Well it is a last name. By any means, you need to go listen to Beautiful Things by Gungor, because it is very powerful.

On the way home from Bend last night, I was listening to the song, and had to keep pressing the back button to repeat the song over and over. Before I knew it, I had listened to the song for a whole  1/2 hour, all the way home. It's THAT good!

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