December 3, 2011

27 Days of Christmas Photos- 1988

 The years-past photos are from 1988. I was still a young'un. The photo is of a family friend of ours, Woody Woodward. I was sad to see in the local paper that Woody very recently passed away. That is such a sad thing. Kitty and Woody Woodward were great people. Kitty is still with us, as far as I know.

The photo from today/tonight is of a random house in Redmond. On my way to caroling tonight, I saw an amazingly lit up house in the Upper Class end of Redmond. On the way home I decided to venture up there to try to find that bright house, but am not familiar with that side of town and get lost easy there, so after a few minutes of searching, decided to find another house, and this what what I found. A big reason why I posted a Christmas lights photo today was because, this being the first Saturday in December, is the unofficial put-up-your-christmas-lights weekend.

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