December 11, 2011

27 Days of Christmas Photos- 1996 (sort of)

Sadly, as hard as I tried, I could not find a picture of the past for every year at Christmas. The parents must have been slacking in 1996 and 1997 because I was not able to find any pics.
So, because I NEED a picture- this evenings token old photo is of my mother's Christmas houses and figurines. She has way too many to count. Boxes and boxes of em. I really liked this photo I took a few years ago of some carolers and houses in the background.

Today's pictures are fun because we had our College group 2nd Annual Christmas Party. It was pretty much amazing. The tritip was among the best I have ever tasted and other sides and such were great. I missed out on timing and so I had my Green Bean Casserole cooking when we were all going through the line so not many got to taste the genius.
the gentlemen cutting up the amazing AND PLENTIFUL Tritip.

Tom looks like an Albino here, I think that is why I like the pic.

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