December 23, 2011

White Christmas and its memories

As I am watching White Christmas I am instantly brought back to all those years of watching the film with my family and automatically think of all those comments my mother says every time she watches:

She's so skinny....
Oh... his grey socks and shoes.....
Mutual Im sure...
Well, how do you like that, with not so much as a kiss my foot or have an apple....
Her waist is so tiny.....

Funny how those things stick in your head year after year.


Unknown said...

I just watched that movie, love it, love it, love it!
That girl is super skinny, I love the guys dressed up like the sisters and Danny Kaye rocks.....just sayin'

Unknown said...

I just watched that movie, love it, love it, love it!
That girl is super skinny, I love the guys dressed up like the sisters and Danny Kaye rocks.....just sayin'