December 25, 2011

Things to do in Early Morning

What can you do when you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep. When you look at the clock and its 1:18AM, and then again around 2:45 and then again at 3:10 and 3:33. When you cannot sleep on Christmas Eve, because you are too excited and can't wait, there are many things to do to kill the time.

*Get online and surf the net
-Check out those new advertisements online to see what deals stores have going on

*go stare at the Christmas tree with all the lights illuminating the whole room
Its peaceful to just sit out there in complete silence and take it all in; The sights, the sounds (or lack of sounds), the feelings... all that.

*Carefully open the presents that are yours, just enough to peek at what they are, so you know, and can choose the right ones to open at the right time.
(this used to be a procedure, but I don't do it much anymore)

*Turn on the TV and watch A Christmas Story
You're bound to catch it right in the middle of the movie, but just watching from the middle to the middle. Every year TBS shows 24 hours of a Christmas Story, all the way through the day and night. I always seem to catch it right when Ralphie goes to see Santa and gets a boot in the face.

*Read the REAL Christmas Story (even though you will read it again with everyone when they all finally get up. It's mostly in Matthew and Luke

*Write a blog posting around 4 in the morning about what types of things you could do to keep yourself busy.

*Think about all the stuff you get to do in a few short hours.

*Read a Christmas book.
The children's books are the best because they are short and you can knock em out quickly. One of my favorites to read each year is Barbra Robbinson's "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever". Ya gotta love those Herdmans... "Hey, Unto you a child is born"

*Go in the Hot Tub and look at the stars (too bad the stars are covered by clouds this morning)

*Make your list of things to bring on the trip, (just to make sure you don't forget anything)

*Go for an early morning walk with the dog- be sure to bring a flashlight


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